Thursday, August 6, 2009

Whats in a Name, The accidental biker and my life behind the bars

My ride name is Crash. It was an assigned name when I entered the world of motorcycles. Funny thing is its also the nick name I was given in high school and again during my time in the Navy. All three are decent stories, however lets start with the last time I had this brand assigned. It was February of 2007, the wife's Birthday was coming up and she had always had this dream of owning a motorcycle. I decided to see what I could do to make that dream come true. I went out and got her a brand new HD XL 883L. Now I had always had a passing interest in motorcycles, but this was her dream. My plan was that since her birthday was in March, I would get her one, then decide later on one of my own. Well that was the plan. So the bike turns out to be a great gift, she loves it and we are both going to take the safety course. With the course scheduled a month away the bike is sitting in the garage taunting me one lonely afternoon. So in normal male logic I think its no big deal, I've ridden before, so what if it was 15 years ago, it cant be that hard to get the hang of it again. Off I go for a ride around the neighborhood. Long story short...I wrecked it! NOT GOOD. However it was repairable and the wife handled it well, in fact she simply stated, I'll just get me a new one! So I ended up with a pewter pearl 883 with a little history.
Since the initial Crash, the road in the world of motorcycles hasn't been any less rocky. More like a Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times!" The wife and I are now divorced. I still have her birthday gift and I've put nearly 20K miles on it in the last two years. As for the ex wife..... she's married to the Harley Salesman! Crazy world.....Crazy world of the Crash.


CRASH said...

Thanks Mr M. Thats a cool sporty you got there. I've been toying with some similar ideas for my sporty. Been playing around with the airbrush trying to get good enough to do a tank. Did you upgrade the tank and put the 1200 kit on all at once? A friend of mine has upgraded the tank on a 97 hugger and its been nothing but carb trouble since. Basically the new tank wouldn't take the stock petcock and now there is a pingle on it. As you might know pingle doesn't make a vaccuum assisted petcock so it spits and sputters like porky da pig. Hell I don't even know if that has anything to do with it, just going off cause and effect here. Took the old tank off because it was rusting, cleaned the carb, put it all back together....nothing. Sent it to a wrench who got it to run, but it hasn't been the same. Any ideas?

Mr. Motorcycle said...

My customizing happened over many years. It is a 97 like your friends. I did the tank way before the motor. Still has the stock petcock. Sorry, I don't know the answer for your friend. Welcome to the world of customizing. With one change comes a need for another.

CRASH said...

Thats exactly what we are finding out.